Extreme and super extreme DUI in Arizona
Arizona has some of the toughest driving under the influence (DUI) laws in the country, and they are getting tougher and the penalties are even harsher.
The DUI laws include not only motor vehicles, but water craft and aircraft, as well.
A DUI will stay on your record for seven years, instead of five years. A second DUI within that seven year time frame will bring with it more stringent penalties.
The court will no longer suspend a portion of your jail sentence for Extreme and Super Extreme DUI, no matter if it is a first or second offense.
Extreme DUI is defined as blood alcohol concentration of at least 0.15 but less than 0.20 within 2 hours of driving or being in control of a vehicle. Extreme DUI is prosecuted as a criminal misdemeanor. The conviction carries fines totaling $2,400 plus jail costs. The convicted driver’s license will be suspended for one year and a minimum of 30 days in jail.
A second Extreme DUI conviction within seven years carries fines totaling $1,750 plus jail costs. The convicted driver’s license will be suspended for 90 days to one year.
Super Extreme DUI is defined as a blood alcohol content of 0.20 or more within two hours of driving or being in control of a vehicle. Super Extreme DUI is prosecuted as a criminal misdemeanor. The conviction carries fines totaling $3,250 plus jail costs. The convicted driver’s license will be suspended for one year.
The driver is also subject to mandatory substance abuse evaluation and must comply with the recommendations of a counselor, serve up to five years of probation and community service work and attend at least one Mothers Against Drunk Driving Victim panel sessions.
The driver may be eligible for a work or school permit after the first 30 days of the license suspension period.
A second Super Extreme DUI conviction within seven years carries fines totaling $4,500 plus jail costs. The convicted driver’s license will be suspended for 90 days to one year. The driver will also be subject to mandatory substance abuse evaluation and must comply with the recommendations of a counselor, serve up to five years of probation and community service work and attend at least one Mothers Against Drunk Driving Victim panel sessions. The driver is not eligible for a work permit during the license suspension period.
All drivers convicted of DUI will be required to install and maintain, at their own expense, an ignition interlock device on their vehicle for one year and a Super Extreme DUI conviction will require the device to be installed for 18 months. The driver will be required to breathe into the interlock device, and if there is no presence of alcohol, the vehicle can be started. If there is a presence of alcohol, the vehicle cannot be started.
If you are in need of an expert in the field of DUI, call the Law Office of Jacob Amaru.
We are located in downtown Tucson, Arizona and we serve Tucson, Casa Grande, Vail, Gren Valley, Sierra Vista, Oro Valley, Nogales and Bisbee. We can be contacted at (520)-465-6968 or by email at amarulaw@gmail.com, or using the form below.
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