It is against the law in Arizona to operate a motor vehicle
with a blood alcohol content of 0.08 or more. For drivers
under 21 years of age, the law has a zero tolerance for any
amount of blood alcohol content. For drivers who possess
a commercial driver’s license the blood alcohol limit is 0.04.
Drivers who refuse to submit to the chemical test for their
first-time DUI offense will receive an automatic license
suspension for one year, and a fine to be determined.
If the driver refuses to submit to a chemical test for a second
or third offense he will receive a two-year license suspension
and a fine to be determined.
Fines and jail time for a DUI conviction
Minimum jail time for a driver convicted of DUI is 24 hours
to 10 days in prison, 30 to 90 days in prison for a second
offense and the amount of prison time will be determined
for a third DUI conviction.
If a third offense is committed within 84 months of the prior
DUI conviction, the offense is categorized as Aggravated DUI.
The minimum sentence for an Aggravated DUI is FOUR
months of prison.
In addition to prison time, a driver convicted of DUI will be
subject to a variety of fines ranging from around $1500
for a first offense to over $5000 for an aggravated DUI.
If you are in need of an expert in the field of DUI, call the
Law Office of Jacob Amaru.
We are located in downtown Tucson, Arizona and we serve
Tucson, Casa Grande, Vail, Gren Valley, Sierra Vista, Oro
Valley, Nogales and Bisbee. We can be contacted at
(520)-465-6968 or by email at,
or using the form below.