Criminal Law: Firearms Restoration
Is a past conviction keeping you from being able to own guns in Arizona?
Is losing this right causing you distress? We can use our knowledge to help you.
Your constitutional right
Both the Arizona and US constitutions guarantee the right of citizens to be able to bear arms. From our nation’s beginning, Americans have cherished a lasting belief in the right to personally own guns and in the lawful use of these guns in self-defense, hunting or sport.
Losing this right can be a disturbing reality for those with past convictions. Arizona law does allow for restoration of these rights in certain cases and we would be happy to assist you to regain your rights.

The US Constitution and your right to keep & bear arms
Restore your right to possess or carry a gun
Arizona law allows for the restoration of firearm rights for most convictions two years after probation is completed or the date of absolute discharge from imprisonment.
If you were convicted of a serious offense or what would be a “serious offense” under 13-604 (first degree murder, second degree murder, manslaughter, aggravated assault resulting in serious physical injury or involving the discharge, use or threatening exhibition of a deadly weapon or dangerous instrument, sexual assault, any dangerous crime against children, arson of an occupied structure, armed robbery, burglary in the first degree, kidnapping, sexual conduct with a minor under fifteen years of age, or child prostitution), you can have your Second Amendment rights restored 10 years after you have been discharged from probation or released from prison.
What prevents firearm restoration?
If your offense was considered a “dangerous offense” (this usually means a felony conviction involving the intentional or knowing infliction of serious physical injury or the use or exhibition of a deadly weapon or dangerous instrument), Second Amendment rights cannot be restored.
Restoration of firearm rights will allow a person to own, possess or use a firearm as long as they are not restricted according to the federal domestic violence ban.
Firearm restoration cases can take 5 months or more in Arizona. We handle your case from start to finish. We will do research, compose and file motions, answer prosecutor opposition, and be present in court to advocate for you.
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